Our lesson program

  • Personalized

    Each student has a completely personalized program to help them reach their goals, whether that be casually trail riding, eventing, dressage, etc.

  • Skills

    Each and every one of our students receive a well rounded education to make them confident and and capable riders both in and out of the saddle. We emphasize natural horsemanship, which creates a one of a kind bond with our horses and students.

  • Horses

    Our lesson horses are ideal to both learn and advance on, and we also do ship in lessons if you’d like to be taught with your own horse!

What you’ll get

Confidence and community in and out of the saddle



How long are lessons?

Lessons run between 45 minutes and an hour. Students are asked to arrive at least 15 minutes early to be tacked and warmed up!

Is there Age restrictions?

We teach ages 4 and up! Students in our program range from 4 all the way to 75!

Are these ever opportunities to school off property?

Yes! We frequently trailer to surrounding venues for schooling, shows, clinics and more.

Is there leasing opportunities?

Yes! We often offer leases on our lesson horses for the riders that would like more time in the saddle.